Monthly Archives: Únor 2019

Solná jeskyně 10. lekce

Týden se s týdnem sešel a deset lekcí solné jeskyně uteklo jako voda. Naposledy jsme se oblékli, sbalili bačkůrky do tašky a školním autobusem vyrazili na cestu do Atlantidy. Aby nám cesta rychleji uběhla, povídali jsme si o tom, jak jsme strávili víkend. V jeskyni jsme si jako obvykle užili spoustu zábavy. Holky ze solných kamínků „uvařily“ […]

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The colours of January in the Owl class

This week in our class we covered many different themes. We reviewed all of January’s content including time, numbers and family. The students showed their knowledge of the content well and proved very much that they were able retail information learned throughout this month. We were able to play many fun games with them. This […]

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